Chapters 1-8
The visions and exhortations of Zechariah 1–8 were given to the prophet in Jerusalem during the rebuilding of the temple by the returned remnant. The purpose of this portion of the book, dated from November of 520 BC to December of 518 BC, was to encourage the people to complete the new central sanctuary and to help them realize it was not simply a building but a key to their spiritual identity. The Messiah would appear in this very temple when He comes to bring salvation to His people.
Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible
Chapters 9-14
Zechariah evidently received the two oracles of chapters 9–14 a few decades after the completion of the temple in 516 BC, and they are directly concerned with the coming Messiah and Israel’s restoration after the time of the Gentiles. These oracles were given to comfort and reassure the remnant that, despite the uncertainties and hardships they were encountering, the Lord regathered them for a purpose and has a glorious future for them in the Messianic kingdom.
Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible