
Praise – January 8, 2021

  • There is no one holy like You. (Exodus 15:11; 1 Samuel 2:2)
  • There is no one besides you! (2 Samuel 2:22, 22:32)
  • There is no rock like You, our God. (2 Samuel 2:2, 7:22; Psalm 18:313)
  • You are a God of knowledge (2 Samuel 2:3)
  • You bring death and give life (Deuteronomy 32:39; 2 Samuel 2:6)
  • You send some down to Sheol, and You raise others up. (Isaiah 26:19; 2 Samuel 2:6)
  • You bring poverty and give wealth (Deuteronomy 8:17–18; 2 Samuel 2:7)
  • You humble and You exalt. (2 Samuel 2:7; Job 15:11; James 4:10)
  • You raise the poor from the dust (2 Samuel 2:8; Job 42:10–12; Psalm 75:7
  • You lift the needy from the trash heap and You seat them with noblemen and give them a throne of honor. (2 Samuel 2:8; Daniel 2:48; James 2:5)
  • The foundations of the earth are Yours. (2 Samuel 2:8; Job 38:4–6; Psalm 75:3)
  • You guard the steps (Lit feet) of Your faithful ones (2 Samuel 2:9; Psalm 91:11–12; 1 Peter 1:5)