Nahum’s prophecy opens with a description of Yahweh’s righteous character. He is “a jealous and avenging God” who “takes vengeance on His adversaries” (1:2). His power is unlimited and no one can endure His anger (1:3–6). Those who trust in Him discover His goodness and grace, but He overcomes His foes (1:7–8). Because of His holiness, He condemns the wickedness of Nineveh (1:9–14) and comforts those who are righteous in Judah (1:15).
Using vivid imagery, Nahum describes the siege and the plundering of Nineveh after the invading warriors move through the breach in its wall (2). As the chariots and charging cavalry invade, the city is thrown into chaos and there is no one to mourn for it (3:1–7). Just as the Assyrians overthrew Thebes, Egypt’s proud capital, so Assyria’s capital will also be destroyed in spite of its many fortifications (3:8–18). Because of Assyria’s cruelty, everyone will rejoice at its fall (3:19).
Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."