
Living in Light of Eternity

You have shown me what is good;
And what does the Lord require of me
But to act justly and to love mercy
And to walk humbly with my God?

Micah 6:8

Moving Forward one should keep a profound reality in mind:

Here are three suggestions from Ken Boa’s Wisdom series on how to cultivate an eternal value system:

1 – Remember that only two things in this world are eternal: God’s Word and people.  Therefore, our time would be best spent by investing the former into the latter. In light of this truth, we ought to live in a way that leverages our temporal means for an eternal purpose.

2 – Live with only two days on our calendar: today and the coming day of Christ’s return. Those are the only two days that ultimately matter. You can’t change the past or determine our future, and the day of Christ’s return will fix our mind on eternity. The wisest way to approach our days, then, is to live today in light of that Day.

3 – Meditate daily on the brevity of this life and the eternity of the life to come. This will enable us not to lose heart when the temporal things of this life fail us (2 Corinthians 4:16). Recognizing that the days of our life are finite will lead to a “heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).

From Ken Boa’s Wisdom series