Showing 258 Result(s)
Books of the Bible


Philippians is an epistle of joy and encouragement that inspires its readers to focus their thoughts and actions on the pursuit of Christ. When our joy is threatened by adverse circumstances (chapter 1), disunity among people (chapter 2), the quest for accomplishments (chapter 3), or anxiety (chapter 4), this letter is a powerful tool that …


Live worthy of the Gospel

27 Just one thing: As citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, in one accord,[f] contending together for the faith of the gospel, 28 not being frightened in any way by your opponents. This is a …



There is no growth in the Christian life apart from discipline and self-control (“discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness”—1 Timothy 4:7). Spirituality is not instantaneous or haphazard; it is developed and refined. For many people, the word “discipline” reeks with negative connotations. We often associate it with tyranny, external restraint, legalism, and bondage. But …

Books of the Bible


Paul begins this epistle with a biographical argument (1–2) that affirms the divine origin of his apostleship and his message of the gospel of grace in contrast to the distortion of the gospel by false teachers. He recounts how God gave him the message of justification by faith in Christ and how this was confirmed …


Causes of Suffering

At least three potential causes: A consequence of personal or community sin A consequence of being a Christian A consequence of the fall. A direct result mankind’s decision and action – the fall The climax of Genesis 1 was the creation of the man and the woman, and the climax of Genesis 2 was the …


The Joy of Forgiveness

Psalm 32 Key Point: Acknowledge my sin to The LORD and do not cover up my iniquity and receive forgiveness and the joy that comes from being in right relationship with the LORD. Of David. A Maskil. 1 How joyful is the onewhose transgression is forgiven,whose sin is covered!2 How joyful is a person whomthe Lord does not charge with …

Books of the Bible

1 Corinthians

First Corinthians is a very practical treatise on the application of Christian principles to a wide variety of personal and corporate issues, including the need for unity rather than divisiveness in the body of believers, church discipline for sexual immorality, the problem of litigation between believers, counsel concerning marriage, liberty regarding doubtful things, public worship …