Showing 258 Result(s)
Books of the Bible


Genesis reaches back and portrays the beginning of all things, and Revelation reaches ahead and portrays the consummation of all things in God’s judgment of humanity and creation of a new cosmos. This powerful Apocalypse (this word means “unveiling,” “disclosure,” “revelation”) gives us a prophetic look at the completion of God’s program and purposes for …

Books of the Bible

3 John

The theme of this epistle is the importance of maintaining fellowship and undergirding the ministries of people who have committed their lives to sharing the message of new life in Christ. John wrote this brief letter to commend Gaius as a fellow worker in the truth because of his hospitality and support of missionaries who …

Books of the Bible

2 John

Second John offers us a brief word of encouragement to continue to walk in God’s light by loving and serving one another. It also warns us to be aware of spiritual counterfeits that distort the truth of the gospel of the incarnate Christ. Thus we are to love, but we are also to show discernment; …

Salvation Study


God’s kindness is intended to lead us to repentance. 4 Or do you despise the riches of his kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing[Or patience, because you do not recognize] that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? Romans 2:4 CSB What Jesus made us when we are saved: To him who loves us and has set us free[g] from our …

Books of the Bible

1 John

First John develops the theme of fellowship with God in belief and in practice, and argues that belief in Jesus as the Christ becomes evident when it is expressed in actions of love and service to others. John sought to encourage his readers to obey God’s command to “believe in the name of His Son …

Books of the Bible

2 Peter

While 1 Peter deals with the problem of external opposition to the gospel, 2 Peter confronts the even more insidious problem of internal opposition to the truth by teachers who profess to be believers, but distort the gospel. These false teachers “secretly introduce destructive heresies” (2:1) even to the point of denying Christ, and their …

Books of the Bible

1 Peter

First Peter gives us a divine perspective on living as aliens and strangers in a world that is increasingly hostile to the gospel of Christ. Each of its five chapters alludes to suffering as a very real part of the Christian experience. This letter provides us with counsel and comfort in times of adversity and …