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Examples for Living Forgiveness of those who have wronged me. Jesus Love Merciful and Forgiving

Jesus’ demonstrates God’s love and forgiveness.

Father, forgive them. Luke 23:34 Source: Devotionals Daily email April 15, 2022, article: Words That Wound By Max Lucado, from No Wonder They Call Him The Savior The dialogue that Friday morning was bitter. From the onlookers, “Come down from the cross if you are the Son of God!”  From the religious leaders, “He saved others …


Loving Jesus

A secret to loving Jesus more. Want to love Jesus more? Focus on His forgiveness. The more we recognize the depth of our sin and Jesus’ forgiveness of it, the more our love for Him will increase. 41 “A creditor had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii,[A denarius = one day’s wage] and the …