Offering Peace in Persecution
Interview with Pastor Sameh & Nader Maurice (from Bible Journey Lesson)
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Interview with Pastor Sameh & Nader Maurice (from Bible Journey Lesson)
Father, forgive them. Luke 23:34 Source: Devotionals Daily email April 15, 2022, article: Words That Wound By Max Lucado, from No Wonder They Call Him The Savior The dialogue that Friday morning was bitter. From the onlookers, “Come down from the cross if you are the Son of God!” From the religious leaders, “He saved others …
Source: The devotional email on April 12, 2022, from Daily Devotionals, featuring a section from A Look At The Lord, by Karen Ehman, from When Making Others Happy Is Miserable When Jesus walked the dusty roads and fields of the Holy Land, He had just as much time as we do: twenty-four hours a day. One-hundred …
Nonviolence & Nonresistance in the Sermon on the Mount Fulfilled in Jesus Passion The calls to non-violence in the Sermon on the Mount are especially striking, and they prepare us for examples of behavior during the events surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion. Look at the following parallels between Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount teaching and the crucifixion …
Source: Bible Journey, Study 4: The Gospels, Course 4: Passion of Christ, Lesson 1: From Triumphal Entry to Criminal’s, In Front | Charles V Prayerbook: The Triumphal Entry of Emperor Heraclius Charles V Prayerbook: The Triumphal Entry of Emperor Heraclius Courtesy Museum of the Bible, The Signatry Collection. All rights reserved. © Museum of the …
Relationship > Rebellion > Reckoning > Restoration – A pattern seen in God’s relationship with his people thoughout scripture This is a pattern in God’s relationship with his people that plays itself out repeatedly through Scripture. The book of Judges has its own version of this cycle, but it’s the same concept. This rubric actually …
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From video: HOW TO LIVE FOR CHRIST IN 2021–AS IT LOOKS LIKE WE’RE NEAR THE END OF THE AGE “Much of Paul’s life was invested in serving God while waiting for the End of the Age” Outline of God’s Work in Paul’s Life Study all you can – preparation is vital. Philippians 3:10 “that I …
How great is the love the Father has lavished on me,that I should be called a child of God—and I am!Therefore the world does not know me,because it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1 CSB God’s Very Nature 8 The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John …
Liddell was a man of focus and passion because he pursued a growing sense of God’s purpose for his life. “When I run, I feel His pleasure”— In the film Chariots of Fire, there is a significant scene when Eric Liddell takes his sister Jennie for a walk in the hills of Scotland to explain …