Showing 41 Result(s)
Books of the Bible


Paul begins this epistle with a biographical argument (1–2) that affirms the divine origin of his apostleship and his message of the gospel of grace in contrast to the distortion of the gospel by false teachers. He recounts how God gave him the message of justification by faith in Christ and how this was confirmed …


The Joy of Forgiveness

Psalm 32 Key Point: Acknowledge my sin to The LORD and do not cover up my iniquity and receive forgiveness and the joy that comes from being in right relationship with the LORD. Of David. A Maskil. 1 How joyful is the onewhose transgression is forgiven,whose sin is covered!2 How joyful is a person whomthe Lord does not charge with …

Books of the Bible

1 Corinthians

First Corinthians is a very practical treatise on the application of Christian principles to a wide variety of personal and corporate issues, including the need for unity rather than divisiveness in the body of believers, church discipline for sexual immorality, the problem of litigation between believers, counsel concerning marriage, liberty regarding doubtful things, public worship …

Books of the Bible


Dr. Luke wrote Acts to provide a historical link between the Gospels and the epistles, and to chronicle the key events that brought about the birth and rapid spread of the church beginning in Jerusalem and moving beyond the borders of Israel to the other provinces of the Roman Empire. All the sermons and defenses …

Books of the Bible

The Gospel of John

John focus is on reveal the true Person of Jesus and his nature, specifically His ability and willingness to give eternal life. John’s witness provides a wealth of stories and teachings of Jesus that are not found in the Synoptic Gospels and reveals more about Jesus’ Judean ministry. Chapter 1 The prologue (1:1–18) reveals the …

Books of the Bible


The Gospel of Mark is the clearest and most concise of the four gospels, and it uses a quick-paced narrative style to tell the story of the Suffering Servant who constantly engaged in others-centered ministry through healing, teaching, and preaching. This is a book that stresses the power of servanthood and the reality of finding …


8 Key Takeaways from the Psalms

The psalms represent a priceless treasure trove of resources for relating to God in all circumstances. They instruct us in how to live, and they teach us great truths about God the great King, his sovereign rule over all things, and his plan for reconciling the world to himself through his Son Jesus, the Christ. …

Books of the Bible


Matthew is the first of the five historical books (the Gospels and Acts) that make up 60 percent of the New Testament. These books lay the foundation upon which the epistles are built, and they show how the life of Christ and the acts of the apostles are embedded in a historical context. The Gospel …