Showing 9 Result(s)

All-iron batteries

The total cost of materials is $0.1 per watt-hour of capacity at wholesale prices. This battery may be a useful component of open source hardware projects that require a safe and ecologically friendly battery. This is also one of the few battery chemistries that can be built safely in a DIY setting. Iron batteries have …


Canning Food

Canning is fun.  Whatever you grow or pick may be canned.  Meat too, it’s just a little harder. The only thing I know of that cannot be home canned is pumpkin, but it can be frozen or dried. Water bath canning is the easiest, but tomato and meats need a pressure canner.  Most counties have …



Learn about this and more in If you do have a successful farm, you’d better be prepared to defend it.  Get organized now, at least in principle.  You don’t have to build any fortifications but you should survey the terrain, plan for what you will build, how you will do it, and how you will …


USSR Collapse

Historically it is well known that the former Soviet Union was making up fake statistics years before its collapse. I was living in Moscow when the political system collapsed, and along with it distribution, including that of food. Food shops in Moscow, except for bread, were empty. A farm woman my landlady and I met …



6 hours agoremovelink Get your portable solar panels, long range walkie-talkies, food, guns and ammo in order. Shortwave radio. A decent 50watt mobile HAM radio on Amazon is in the $250 range, plus antenna.  With that you can hit repeaters if you know the frequencies. Also, a mobile radio operates on 12-13.5 volts…car battery voltage.  …



Vitamin Daily Recommended Amount RDA A 5,000 to 10,000 IU/day (Max 8,000 IU/day) 400 IU B3 B6 5 to 10 mg/day (No more than 500mg/day) B12 500 to 1,000 to 2,000 mcg/day (1 to 2 mg/day) Betaine 500 to 3,000 mg/day C 250 to 2,000 mg/day 400 mg Calcium 1,000 mg Copper 2 mg D …


Short-term Emergency Lighting

A practical solution for lighting during short-term power outages. A normal LED light bulb which also contains a battery for emergency use when the power is out. (see ) The battery is charged from regular power as you use the light normally, but will provide light for about 5 hours when the power is out.  With …