Praise – January 28, 2021
You are the King of kings, Lord of lords, the great I AM. You hear the prayers of Your people. You are good.
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Reminders of who God is and why he is worthy of praise as we prepare to enter His courts and approach the Throne of Grace.
You are the King of kings, Lord of lords, the great I AM. You hear the prayers of Your people. You are good.
Your love restrains Your wrath, hoping men might hear Your call and repent and be saved from judgement. You will not leave the wicked unpunished, but bring about justice. You appoint leaders and bring them down. The heart of the ruler is in Your hands to turn them in the way You desire.
You are the God who states things not yet in existence as having been done.
You are the great and mighty God. You are the source of true peace. You are truth. You are the light of men. You are awesome, far beyond understanding, yet You communicate to men. Every part of creation reveals Your glory.
You, Lord, are enthroned forever (Psalm 102:12) Your fame endures to all generations (Psalm 102:12) You are unchanging (Psalm 102:27)
Salvation and deliverance belongs to You (Jonah 2:9) You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and one who relents from sending disaster. (Jonah 4:2) You are my shield There is no God like You in heaven above or on earth below, who keeps the gracious covenant with your servants …
You are Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 14:22) You are the giver of ideas and knowledge Wisdom and knowledge are Yours You bring healing when You come
You are the God who is there and here. You are the Eternal One. Your ways are beyond understanding. You reveal Yourself to Your servants. You are an ever present help. You are the living God, the Lord of Armies, our God.
You are worthy of praise.