Protected: Thanksgiving – January 9, 2021
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"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
All aspects of prayer including requests, petitions, intersession, worship.
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There is no one holy like You. (Exodus 15:11; 1 Samuel 2:2) There is no one besides you! (2 Samuel 2:22, 22:32) There is no rock like You, our God. (2 Samuel 2:2, 7:22; Psalm 18:313) You are a God of knowledge (2 Samuel 2:3) You bring death and give life (Deuteronomy 32:39; 2 Samuel …
Your judgments are righteous You are holy You are gracious You are to be feared above anyone You are good your word is forever; it is firmly fixed in heaven. (Psalm 89:2; 119:89,160; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25) Your faithfulness is for all generations; (Psalm 89:1–2; 119:90) You established the earth, and it …
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The One who holds the future in His hands. The LORD GOD of all creation. You are full of mercy. You are the God who restores. You are the God who judges evil.
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You are slow to anger You abound in love and faithfulness You maintain love to thousands You forgive wickedness, rebellion, and sin through Your Son Jesus Your Name is above every name.
YOU, the I AM, are: The Eternal One The Giver and Sustainer of Life Worthy of all praise and honor To be feared A friend to the broken-hearted A friend of sinners my Deliverer my Provider my Protector and Shield A very present help in a time of need my Hope my Sanctification the Self-Existent …