Amos is an extraordinarily concise and penetrating prophet who multiplies oracles and images to hammer home the solemn theme of inescapable judgment. Only in the last five verses is there a message of hope and promise. The three promises at the end of the book (9:11–15) are that God will restore the line of David, rebuild the nation, and renew the people.
Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible
Chapters 1-5
The book of Amos begins with a series of eight prophetic oracles that pronounce judgment on the nations that surround Israel (1–2). The word “fire,” a symbol of judgment, often appears in this section, and as a map will show, the sequence of the seven nations gradually spirals in on the last nation, Israel. This “funnel of fire” demonstrates that the iniquities of these countries is full, and that judgment is unavoidable. In three sermons, each beginning with the phrase, “Hear this word” (3:1; 4:1; 5:1), Amos outlines the reasons for Israel’s coming overthrow. In spite of all that God has done, He tells them, “yet you have not returned to Me” (4:6, 8–11), and because of their refusal to turn to Him, He will send them into exile beyond Damascus (5:27).
Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible
Chapters 7-9
In a series of five visions (7:1–9:10), Amos pictures the coming judgment on the northern kingdom of Israel. Because of Amos’ intercession, the first two judgments of locusts and fire will not take place. In the vision of the plumb line, Israel is like a leaning wall; in the vision of the basket of ripe fruit, Israel is rotten and overripe for judgment.
Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible