Books of the Bible



This brief prophecy was delivered to a people whose spiritual lives were in decline because they had allowed their priorities to become misplaced. In a series of sharp exhortations, Haggai encouraged them to consider their ways, to take action, and to take heart. This little book provides a strong word to us when we find ourselves discouraged and despondent because of spiritual lethargy.

Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible

Chapter 1

In his first sermon to the Jewish remnant, Haggai told them that they needed to reorder their priorities. They were more concerned with their own comfort than with their spiritual well-being, and as a consequence, God was withholding His material blessing. Zerubbabel the governor of Judah, Joshua the high priest, and the whole remnant responded to Haggai’s message, and they resumed construction on the temple (1:1–15).

Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible

Chapter 2

Haggai’s second sermon was a word of encouragement that, in spite of the small scale of the second temple, its glory would be greater than that of the former temple, and it would be a place of peace (2:1–9). The third message of this book is addressed to the priests and concerns purification from the contamination of sin and the need for obedience (2:10–19). The final oracle reaffirms God’s plan to overthrow the nations of the earth (2:20–23; cf. 2:6–7).

Handbook to Scripture: 365 Key Chapters in the Bible

Haggai called the Jewish remnant to the realization that God actually increased their hardships to get their attention, and to cause them to look to Him rather than themselves for the meeting of their needs. If they seek Him first and honor Him by finishing the temple, God will bless them and provide for their material needs.