While 1 Peter deals with the problem of external opposition to the gospel, 2 Peter confronts the even more insidious problem of internal opposition to the truth by teachers who profess to be believers, but distort the gospel. These false teachers “secretly introduce destructive heresies” (2:1) even to the point of denying Christ, and their teachings seduce believers into error and immorality. This epistle tells us how to deal with the problem of false teaching, and it is more relevant in our time of proliferating spiritual counterfeits than ever before.
From Handbook to Scripture
Chapter 1
After a brief salutation (1:1–2), Peter speaks of God’s “precious and magnificent promises” and the consequent life of faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love which these promises should produce (1:3–11). Peter, knowing that his martyrdom was imminent, wanted to stir up his readers to remember and hold fast to the prophetic word (1:12–21).
From Handbook to Scripture