Books of the Bible


Philippians is an epistle of joy and encouragement that inspires its readers to focus their thoughts and actions on the pursuit of Christ. When our joy is threatened by adverse circumstances (chapter 1), disunity among people (chapter 2), the quest for accomplishments (chapter 3), or anxiety (chapter 4), this letter is a powerful tool that can help us get our eyes back on Jesus. Only by pursuing Jesus first will we discover the peace and contentment that comes from God.

Daily Growth, October 24, 2020, from Handbook to Scripture

Chapter 1

Paul begins this epistle with a word of thanksgiving for the Philippians and a prayer for their spiritual growth in love and discernment (1:1–11). He then tells them about his imprisonment, the progress of the gospel, and his openness to either outcome (exoneration or execution) in his trial (1:12–26). This chapter concludes with an exhortation to contend for the gospel in the face of persecution (1:27–30).

Daily Growth, October 24, 2020, from Handbook to Scripture