Jesus Living

Jesus’ invitation – “learn from me.”

“learn from me” – “For I am gentle and humble in heart.”

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:28–30



  1. having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.”he was a gentle, sensitive man”
    1. Similar:
      1. kind, kindly
      2. tender
      3. benign
      4. human
      5. lenient
      6. merciful
      7. forgiving
      8. forbearing
      9. sympathetic
      10. considerate
      11. understanding
      12. clement
      13. compassionate
      14. benevolent
      15. kind hearted
      16. tenderhearted
      17. good-natured
      18. sweet-tempered
      19. loving
      20. mild
      21. soft
      22. quiet
      23. shy
      24. demure
      25. modest
      26. humble
      27. retiring
      28. unassuming
      29. still
      30. tranquil
      31. peaceful
      32. peaceable
      33. pacific
      34. placid
      35. serene
      36. reposeful
      37. reverent
      38. meek
      39. docile
      40. lamblike
      41. dove-like
    2. Opposite:
      1. unkind
      2. brutal
  2. moderate in action, effect, or degree; not harsh or severe.”a gentle breeze”
    1. Similar:
      1. light
      2. soft
      3. zephyr-like
      4. moderate
      5. pleasant
    2. Opposite:
      1. strong


adjective: humble; comparative adjective: humbler; superlative adjective: humblest

  1. having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance. “he was humble about his stature as one of rock history’s most influential guitarists”
    • Similar:
      1. meek
      2. deferential
      3. respectful
      4. submissive
      5. self-effacing
      6. unassertive
      7. unpresuming
      8. modest
      9. unassuming
      10. self-deprecating
      11. free from vanity
      12. obsequious
      13. sycophantic
      14. servile
      15. mim
      16. resistless
    • Opposite:
      • proud
      • overbearing

(of an action or thought) offered with or affected by a modest estimate of one’s own importance. “my humble apologies”

  1. of low social, administrative, or political rank. “she came from a humble, unprivileged background”
    • Similar:
      1. low-ranking
      2. low
      3. lowly
      4. lower-class
      5. plebeian
      6. proletarian
      7. working-class
      8. undistinguished
      9. poor
      10. mean
      11. ignoble
      12. of low birth
      13. low-born
      14. of low rank
      15. common
      16. commonplace
      17. ordinary
      18. simple
      19. inferior
      20. unimportant
      21. unremarkable
      22. insignificant
      23. inconsequential
      24. plebby
      25. baseborn
    • Opposite:
      • noble