John focus is on reveal the true Person of Jesus and his nature, specifically His ability and willingness to give eternal life. John’s witness provides a wealth of stories and teachings of Jesus that are not found in the Synoptic Gospels and reveals more about Jesus’ Judean ministry.
Chapter 1
The prologue (1:1–18) reveals the eternity and divinity of Jesus as as the incarnation of the eternal Word. This prologue is followed by an account of the witness of John the Baptist concerning Jesus and the story of Jesus’ first disciples (1:19–51).
Chapters 2-12
Attesting signs revealing the Person of Jesus
- Turning the water into wine (2:1–11)
- Healing the royal official’s son (4:46–54)
- Healing the invalid (5:1–15)
- Feeding the multitude (6:1–14)
- Walking on water (6:16–21)
- Giving sight to the man born blind (9:1–41)
- The raising of Lazarus (11:1–45)
In most cases, John follows these signs with a presentation of the reactions of belief and disbelief.
Chapter 3
The story of Jesus’ interview with Nicodemus points to the human need to be born of the Spirit in order to enjoy life with God. In John’s testimony to Jesus, he saw himself as the friend of the bridegroom and affirmed that “He must increase, but I must decrease” (3:30). This is the essence of the spiritual life.