Learn about this and more in https://www.civildefensemanual.com/
If you do have a successful farm, you’d better be prepared to defend it. Get organized now, at least in principle. You don’t have to build any fortifications but you should survey the terrain, plan for what you will build, how you will do it, and how you will control access. See how many it takes to defend even a small area, 24×7:
Basic defense for a 4 sided NPP (neighborhood protection plan) takes at a minimum
- 2 guards per shift, rotating every two hours, two on, four off = 6 guards per side = 24 guards
- 1 Entry / Exit point, a minimum of another 6 guards. 3 man shifts much more secure, = 9 guards.
- Outflanker marksmen, aka snipers, 2 man teams, at least one, better two. 6 men each = 12 snipers.
Total number if active security, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week = 45 men
This is only for BASIC security, and does not include a QRF…a quick response force ready to respond to emergency situations. Again, this is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The link again for this and more: https://www.civildefensemanual.com/