COVID-19 Situation Report (SITREP)

Situation Overview

Source: Castle Refuge removelink Septermber 22, 2021 from Zerohedge comment section.

Already Obsolete but Still Injurious

Sub-plot: Those who developed Coronavirus lead the response

Vaccine injuries mount. Long-term risks disturbing. Situation overview.

  • “We made a big mistake. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin. By vaccinating people we are inoculating them with a toxin” – Canadian Researcher (full interview)
  • As in the disease itself, the vaccine-produced spike proteins are toxic and spread throughout the body. They attack the vascular system causing blood clots, strokes, heart-attacks, neurological issues … and death.
  • Most worrisome of all is vaccine-induced Antibody-Dependent-Enhancement (ADE)
    • ADE: “after vaccinated for an initial virus, infection by a subsequent variant can result in increased viral replication and more severe disease”
    • Journal of Infection study (also available here):
      • “in the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain. Second generation vaccines should be considered” (quote shortened for readability)
    • Bottom Line: Jab made 2 billion more vulnerable to severe illness and death. Data hints first wave of ADE death underway
  • The Numbers:
    • US VAERS: 701,559 vaccine injuries, 14,925 dead (9/10/21). Unprecedented vaccine mortality spike.
    • Europe’s system: 20,595 dead
    • These are real people. Why are they being ignored instead of studied? Doesn’t the Pfizer FDA care?
    • FDA finally confronted with VAERS data (9/17/21)
  • More VC Nurses Blow Whistle on ‘Overwhelming’ Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes, The Conejo Guardian, By Joel Kilpatrick, December 14, 2021 

The jabs are increasingly ineffective:

  • Ineffective against delta variant. (vax-resistant LambaR.1 on the way…)
  • Vaccine-based immunity is now known to be short-lived:
    • Before: “2-and-done” Now: everyone needs a booster. …every five months? …forever? Another hit-and-miss flu shot?
    • Surgeon General: “if the trajectory that we are seeing continues, then we will likely see, in the future, an increase in breakthrough hospitalizations and breakthrough deaths.” CDC Director: “ reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease among those vaccinated early.”
    • Is this a result of: a) jab’s general antibody cliff b) specific ineffectivity against variants c) ADE facilitation? All of the above?
  • Murdering logic:
    • “The outbreaks among vaccinated people on Cape Cod is proof that vaccines work, CDC director says” (death = working)
    • Fully-vaccinated man dies, daughter: “I can’t imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine.”
    • And the ever-popular “my sunscreen doesn’t work unless you put on your sunscreen” idiocy

The roll-out was illogical, dangerous:

  • Mass vaccination during a pandemic drives variant mutations and immunological escape
  • Effective treatments censored. Ailing patients cruelly denied early interventions, die needlessly.
  • Vaccine testing takes 5-10 years. A rushed, global roll-out for a treatable disease is wildly unethical
  • …and yet Pfizer’s vaccine “to generate more than $33.5 billion this year [2021]”

    Doing our part? Being team players?