Universities’ Covid Policies Defy Science and Reason, Common Sense, Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. , January 4, 2022
“Parents and students should challenge dogma with data.”
Fully Vaccinated are suffering far higher rates of infection than the Unvaccinated, and it is getting worse by the day; there is no justification for Vaccine Passports, by THE EXPOSÉ, October 25, 202
One course of action which has been suggested if Employer requires COVID vaccination
Biden Adviser Says President “Will Run Over” GOP Governors Who Resist Vaccine Mandate
- NYC Judge Prevents Father From Visiting His Daughter Unless He Takes the COVID Vaccine, Summit News, October 15, 2021
- New York federal judge halts the state’s unconstitutional “vaccine” mandate for healthcare workers with sincere religious beliefs
September 15, 202 1